Besides this page, you can also check
for news and
announcements on Loriene's blog, "Pin-ding-u-daud-ewin" (to enter into one another's lodges),
at http://lorieneroy.blogspot.com/.

RadioShack and ALA Announce Partnership to
Help Educate Citizens About DTV Transition
Added June 13, 2008
Read the press
release here.
Library Services to Immigrants
Added May 7, 2008
Check out our new
page of resources on library services to immigrants here.
It's part of our Circle of Literacy initiative.
Check out Kareem Abdul-Kabbar's READ
Added May 7,

A press release about the poster
can be read here,
and Kareem's NBA bio can be read here.
Loriene kicks off National Library Week
with a talk in Second
Added April 20, 2008
Read the ALA press
release here.
Austin Bella Corda has a new CD out
Added May 5, 2008
Loriene and Judith Lin Hunt, incoming International Relations Round
Table (IRRT) Chair, 2008-09
Added March 27, 2008
and Marilyn H. McClaskey, International Librarians Orientation
Co-Chair, 2006-08
Added March 27, 2008

Deaf America Reads event at the Library of
Added March 16, 2008
Loriene with Ricardo Lopez, President of the National
Literary Society of the Deaf and Alice L. Hagemeyer, ALA Honorary
Member. Taken on March 13th.
Photos from
Loriene's trip to Hawaii
Added March 12, 2008
Check out some photos
from Loriene's recent trip to Hawaii, taken by Dr. Andrew Wertheimer.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's President's Program
Added February 18, 2008
Read the transcript
of Kareem's Presidential Program during Mid-Winter here.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's Mid-Winter Q&A
Added February 10, 2008
Listen to Kareem's question and answer
session during the President's Program on January 13, 2008 at ALA's
Mid-Winter Conference.
Loriene on NPR: Book List Offers Children
Diverse Choices
Added February 6, 2008
Listen to Loriene
discuss and read excerpts from awarding-winning books for children and
young adults on NPR's February 5th Tell
Me More segment.
Dongguan, China Conference
Added December 30, 2007
Below are two photos
from Loriene's trip to Dongguan City, China, from the recent Chinese
American Librarians Association (CALA) Seminar.

Visit to the Alabama Coushatta Tribe
Added December 20, 2007
Read the News Watch
Native American press
release about Loriene's visit to the Alabama Coushatta Tribe.
AMBAC Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico
Added December 9, 2007
Delin Guerra, Michael
Dowling, Loriene, and others at an AMBAC work session.
on the Austin Classical Guitar Society's school program
Added December 9, 2007
Read the article
and catch some glimpses of Owen on the video!
Photo from the California School Library Association Conference --
November 16th, Ontario, CA
Added December 3, 2007
Loriene with Sara Johns and Susan Pennell
A Conversation with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Added November 28, 2007
In this great 3-minute video,
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar discusses growing
up with libraries, his committment to literacy and learning, and how
books help young readers understand both past and present struggles.
Photos from Loriene's dinner with Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar in Ontario, California.
added November 16, 2007

the webcast of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's presentation
on "Brothers in Arms"
at the 2004 National Book Festival.
Loriene's Interview with Reading Is Fundamental
added November 15, 2007
Read the short interview featuring
Loriene here.
Loriene on NPR's Tell Me More
added November 10, 2007
7, 2007:
Loriene talks again with Michel Martin of NPR's Tell Me More, this time
for American Indian Heritage Month. Listen here.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to Deliver Keynote
Speech at Mid-Winter Conference
added November 10, 2007
We are thrilled to announce that NBA star
and author of six books Kareem Abdul-Jabbar will be delivering the
Keynote Speech for the President's Program at January's Mid-Winter
Conference. Read ALA's press release here.
Certificate from Feria Internacional del liro Monterrey
added October 20, 2007

"Indigenous Libraries and Innovative
Multicultural Services" paper
Check out
Loriene's paper entitled Indigenous
Libraries and Innovative Multicultural Services which she presented
as the keynote speech at the International Federation of Library
Associations and Institutes (IFLA) conference in Pretoria, South
Africa, on August 15, 2007.
Cloak Gift from Te Ropu Whakahau: Maori in Libraries and Information
added September 24,2007

Loriene models the cloak woven
specifically for her, and presented to her by Te Ropu Whakahau. The
following description of the cloak comes from Eddie Neha, current
President of Te Ropu Whakahau:
The cloak is called a korowai
and is made of traditional muka
(a fiber extracted from harakeke (flax)
and pukeko feathers. The
pukeko is the swamp hen and has amazing feet,
signifying its sure, safe and careful footsteps. If you watch the
pukeko take off for flight it actually runs on water for a fews steps
before lifting off. The pattern is the poutama, which signifies
achievement and guidance. The green represents the turtle, which the
(Kai Raranga) understands is an integral figure in Native American
culture. The brown lining (closest to the skin) represents Earth, and
the bear represents Loriene's bear-clan connections. This korowai, much
like Loriene, is a taonga to
be treasured and cherished.
Its significance is that we see Loriene as a shining light amongst
indigenous librarians -- one who has stepped surely, safely and
carefully to
achieve many things but continues to provide guidance to those who ask.
The weaver's name is Tania King, from Ngaati Maniapoto and Ngaati
Maahuta. Ngaati Maniapoto has been the leader in rejuventaing raranga
kakahu (weaving of cloaks) through the likes of Rangimarie Hetet and
Diggeress Te Kanawa.
ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels
with Loriene during ALA Annual
added September 24, 2007

Keith and Loriene at the International Reception on June 25, 2007
with the Baker and Taylor cats, at ALA Annual
added August 20, 2007

interview with Indian Country Today
added August 7, 2007
Take a look at the feature article
on Loriene -- and by extension, on the information issues of the Native
community -- that ran August 1st in Indian Country Today.
Joe Sanchez quoted in
USA Today
added August 2, 2007
Joe Sanchez, a doctoral student in the UT-Austin School of Information
and Loriene's Second Life trainer, was interviewed by USA Today
regarding his Second Life teaching and research. Check the August 2nd
issue of USA Today for the article quoting him called "Teachers,
college students lead a Second Life" or read
it online.
State of Texas Senate
Proclamation No. 127
added July 24, 2007
Loriene has been honored by the State of Texas Senate with a formal
Proclamation. Click the image for a larger version.
"Native Horizons" Radio
Interview on Monday
updated July 24, 2007
Loriene will be a guest on KOOP's "Native Horizons" radio show on
Monday, July 30th from 11am-12pm Central time. Check it out in the
Austin area at
91.7 FM, or on the web at www.koop.org.
Interview with NPR's
new show "Tell Me More"
added July 19, 2007
Listen to Loriene and host Michel Martin discuss multicultural
children's books on NPR's new segment "Tell
Me More."
iSchool Reception in
honor of Loriene's presidency
added July 17, 2007
June 23rd, students from UT-Austin's School of Information gathered in
D.C. at a reception celebrating the beginning of Loriene's presidency.
Photos by Della Nohl.
iSchoolers at reception for Loriene in DC
Sara Albert and Alex Hershey
Thank you note from
Austin Bella Corda
added July 14, 2007
Austin Bella Corda, the classical guitar group that performed at the
Inaugural Banquet on June 26th, sent this thank you note to Loriene.
Photos from the
Presidential Inaugural Banquet, ALA Annual, Washington DC
Added December 9, 2007

Sara Albert and Tim Bullard
escort Loriene into the Inaugural Banquet.

Loriene with Lisa Mitten at the Inaugural Banquet.

Bella Corda performs at the Inaugural Banquet.
Loriene to host "Native
America Calling" July 16th
updated July 14, 2007
Loriene will be hosting "Native America Calling," a national call-in
radio program, on Tuesday, July 16th, 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST. You can
listen via various online and broadcast radio stations (from the NAC website, click on
"Listen to NAC On-Line" for listings).
You can also hear a previous program featuring Loriene on "Tribal
Archives, Libraries and Museums." Click on "Past NAC Programs"
and navigate to May 9, 2005.
Council Committees/ALA Committees
added July 5, 2007
A few ALA members have
contacted me over the past several days, requesting appointments to ALA
Committees and ALA Council Committees. Here's just a note about what
you might do if you are interested in volunteering for similar service.
Rettig, ALA President-Elect, will chair the ALA Committee on Committees
(elected from Council) and the ALA Committee on Appointments
(President-Elects of the ALA Divisions). Later this summer Jim will
broadly broadcast a call, inviting members to submit online
applications to serve on these committees. At that time you can click
on a URL which will lead you to an online application. That application
will allow you to enter information about yourself and indicate your
committees of preference. Jim will work with the committees and will
develop slates of appointments by the 2008 ALA Midwinter Meeting in
Philadelphia. Appointments will be made between February and April 2008.
Thanks for your
interest in serving!

Article on Loriene in Austin American-Statesman
added June 28, 2007
Roy:" This Austin American-Statesman article on Loriene was
featured Sunday, June 24th, on the front and back pages of the Life
Shawl Gift
added June 18, 2007
Russlene Waukechon and Susan Bennett presented Loriene with this
beautiful dance shawl depicting the White Earth Nation tribal
seal. Susan created the seal and Russlene created the
fringe. Click on the image below for a close-up.
added June 13, 2007
Honor Dance: Photos are allowed at this event.
Inaugural Banquet: Tickets are sold out. If you have a seat
reserved at a table but haven't purchased your ticket yet, you will be
able to purchase your ticket on site.
Classical Guitar Group at Inaugural Banquet
updated June 5, 2007
Austin Bella Corda will be performing at
the Inaugural Banquet. For more information about the group, contact
the director Kevin Taylor at
1-800-950-8502 or 512-452-8765,
or by email at childbloom@aol.com.

videos of Austin Bella Corda performing (videos on YouTube):
Loriene on Second Life
added May 19, 2007
Loriene is now on Second Life with the avatar "Mukwa

Here's a photo of Loriene having some fun at the Jornadas Conference in
Leon, Mexico
added November 10, 2007

Honor Dance Information
updated May 3, 2007
The National Museum of the American Indian,
a Smithsonian Institution museum, is hosting an Honor Dance for
Loriene. The Honor Dance will be held in the Potomac atrium of
the museum and will be free and open to the public.
This event
will be on Friday, June 22nd, from 3:30 to 5:30 pm.
Come equipped to the Honor Dance with a dance shawl! You may make
a shawl or purchase one. Pendleton produces shawl designs in a
variety of colors. These shawls are 100% wool (or mixed blend)
with 7-inch rayon fringes.
You'll find some images of Chief Joseph dance shawls at http://www.pendleton-usa.com.
Look under "Blankets & Home," then "Native American," then
"Shawls." These shawls are in antique green, bright red,
turquoise, or white.
The Northwest Pendleton store in Seattle can order a shawl for
you. You can call them at 1-800-593-6773 for information on ordering
a shawl in a Chief Joseph or Moab design. The new Moab shawls are
available in black, turquoise, and red. Tribal discounts are
Banquet Information
March 2, 2007
will be inaugurated as ALA
President for 2007-2008 at the upcoming ALA
Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.
The Inaugural Banquet will be held
Tuesday, June 26th, from 7:00 pm to midnight at the Grand Hyatt
DC. The event theme is "Celebrating Community, Collaboration, and
Culture." In addition
to the procession of ALA elected officers, there will be a second
procession of indigenous nations, followed by a multimedia preview of
Loriene's plans, dinner, and dancing. Guests are asked to wear
Black Tie or
Cultural Dress. Tickets are required to attend this event, $85,
available for purchase on the conference registration form.
Reserved seating at the banquet may
be arranged for full tables,
seating 10 individuals. Make reservations at http://www.ala.org/inauguraltable.
Partial tables cannot be reserved. Smaller groups are
invited to arrive together and locate seating at unreserved tables. All
table reservations requests made online will be coordinated by James
Vertovec, ALA Meeting and Special Events Planner. If you have any
questions regarding the process or table reservations you've already
made, James can be reached at jvertovec@ala.org
or via telephone at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 3227.

updated June 13, 2008