Personal Cultural Advisors. The working
mission of the Envisioning Circle and Personal Cultural Advisors is to
provide support on infusing my Presidential initiatives with indigenous
and international expressions.
Here is a link to a graphical representation of
the structure of the ALA President-Elect Organization. The
missions and charges of the task forces are described below.

working mission of the Circle of Literacy Task Force
is to produce tangible expressions reflecting the support of literacy
across the Lifespan with special focuses on indigenous youth,
immigrants, and those incarcerated. The Circle of Literacy Task Force
will be charged with creating several tangibles or deliverables. These
- Designing
and implementing a Gathering of Readers event celebrating indigenous
reading and culture around the world. You'll find a prototype of this
event at;
- Advocating
for inclusion of indigenous writers and publishers in conference
- Collaborating
with relevant ALA units, other organizations, and the Events Planning
- Collaborating
on a monograph on literacy efforts;
- Helping
plan related ALA programs and events;
- Exploring
ideas on how to support this platform.

working mission of the Supporting LIS Education Through
Practice Task Force is to assist LIS students in acquiring
practical experience and distributing results of these experiences to
other students and prospective employers. This Task Force will be
charged with creating several tangibles or deliverables. These include:
- Developing
a searchable database of national and international
practicum/fieldwork/capstone experiences;
- Providing
an opportunity for LIS students who complete
practicum/fieldwork/capstone experiences to share their experiences
with other students and prospective employers;
- Collaborate
on one or more publications related to these efforts;
- Working
with the Events Planning Circle to plan related ALA programs and
events, including continuing the Education Forums;
- Communicating
and coordinating Task Force efforts with ALA units, including the
Committee on Education, and ALISE;
- Exploring
ideas on how to support this platform.

The working mission of the Workplace Wellness Task
Force is to produce tangible expressions that promote healthy
workplaces and lifestyles among library workers. The Workforce Wellness
Task Force will be charged with creating several tangibles or
deliverables. These include:
- Developing
a personal health passport for ALA members. The passport will be a
document with health resources as well as charting documents
to help ALA members assess progress made toward achieving personal
health wellness goals;
- Creating
a workplace environmental scan that can be used to review working
conditions that may impact worker health;
- Working
with the Events Planning Circle to plan a Wellness Fair to take place
at the 2008 ALA Conference in Anaheim. The Wellness Fair will
incorporate indigenous lifeways;
- Collaborating
on one or more publications related to these efforts;
- Working
with the Events Planning Circle to plan other related ALA programs and
events such as a discussion panel featuring health care professionals;
- Communicating
and coordinating Task Force efforts with supportive organizations and
- Exploring
ideas on how to support this platform.

The working mission of the Events Planning Circle is
to produce tangible expressions that support the Task Force areas of
Circle of Literacy, Supporting LIS Education Through Practice, and
Workplace Wellness. The Events Planning Circle will be charged with
creating several tangibles or deliverables. These include:
- Working
with the Circle of Literacy Task Force in designing and implementing a
Gathering of Readers event celebrating indigenous reading and culture
around the world;
- Working
with the Supporting LIS Education Through Practice Task Force to plan
related ALA programs and events, including continuing the Education
- Working
with the Workplace Wellness Task Force to plan a Wellness Fair to take
place at the 2008 ALA Conference in Anaheim. The Wellness Fair will
incorporate indigenous lifeways;
- Working
with the Workplace Wellness Task Force to help plan other related ALA
programs and events such as a discussion panel featuring health care
- Collaborating
on one or more publications related to these efforts;
- Communicating
and coordinating Task Force efforts with supportive organizations and
- Exploring
ideas on how to support this platform.

Follow Loriene's blog (,
“"Pin-ding-u-daud-ewin: To Enter Into One Another's Lodges."”
Loriene's School of
Information Faculty Website:
Loriene's complete Curriculum Vitae (310 KB pdf)
Email her at