Work phone:
(512) 471-9448
Mailing address:
The University of Texas at Austin
School of Information
1616 Guadalupe Suite #5.202
Austin, TX 78701-1213
UTA 5.416
INF391D.10: Survey of Information Studies
An overview of the major ideas, concepts, and theories of Information Studies. Prerequisite: Admission to the doctoral program; consent of the graduate advisor.
INF385E: Information Architecture and Design
The theory and design of information architecture: models that provide structure and context for information to shape meaning, purpose, and utility toward understanding. Students present theoretical reviews; map and design; and develop novel information architectures using a variety of methods and software applications.
INF382C: Understanding and Serving Users
Overview of information behavior, understanding client groups, information filters, information literacy and information-seeking and search behavior, as well as user studies and usability testing.
INF397C: Understanding Research
Survey of the goals, methods, processes, and products of systematic inquiry. Prepare students to understand the logic of research design and critically evaluate information studies research.
INF385N: Consumer Health Informatics
Overview of health behavior theories, consumer health information search and seeking behavior, as well as various technologies pertaining to consumer health (e.g., PHR systems, mHealth apps, and serious games)
INF388L/INF388R/INF181E: Professional Experience and Project/Practicum in School Libraries/Electronic Portfolio
Study of a practical problem, current phenomenon, or professional issue in an institutional setting/ Fieldwork in a school library under the supervision of qualified personnel/ Creation of a website that displays the student's professional aims, interests, and pursuits, including resume and work samples.
INLS 200: Retrieving and Analyzing Information ( At UNC-Chapel Hill)
(Fall 2008, Spring 2009)
Introduction to and application of the processes that can be used in seeking information, evaluating the quality of the information retrieved, and synthesizing the information into a useful form.