Q. I've completed the online survey but I get an error message when I try to submit my responses. Help!
Answer: We're sorry that you received this error message. You can help us diagnose the problem by forwarding the text of the error message to Dr. Loriene Roy at loriene@ischool.utexas.edu. Just send a message to Dr. Roy and request that she send you the survey in either a paper or online (MSWord attachment) format. If you want a paper copy, please let her know you preferred snail mail address.
Q. I looked at the consent form. It says Scholars who received Scholarships between 1998/99 and 2002/03 are invited to fill out the survey. I'm a 2003/04 Scholar. Should I also fill out the survey?
Answer: Yes, thanks for asking! The University of Texas at Austin's Office of Research Support and Compliance recently allowed us to revise our sample size. We can now also collect completed surveys from 2003/04 Spectrum Scholars.
Q. I filled out the survey. What do I put for my ID number? Should I add my social security number here?
Answer. You don't need to add a number here. We are adding ID numbers for data analysis and response rate tracking. So, just leave this blank.
Q. I've participated in the life history interviews. Do I also need to fill out the survey?
Answer: Thanks for participating in the interview! Yes, please also fill out the survey. This will allow us to gather and compare data for the Scholars as a whole.
Q. I want to answer the questions honestly. I'd like to know how the results will be handled. Will you identify me by name when you prepare your report?
Answer: Thanks for asking this very important question. The Research Team has all completed Human Subjects Research Training. We can't report any findings that can be tied to an individual. We may use quotations from responses but only if they don't reveal the respondent's identity. We can't reveal who responds to the survey form and who does not.