Loriene Roy
Loriene Roy
Cynthia Tysick
Daisy Waters |
- In 1987 I completed a doctoral degree from the
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC). While there I worked three
years in the Library Research Center. During that time I was involved as a
partner or principal investigator for research projects funded by the
Illinois State Library, including a statewide study of children's librarians,
unobtrusive studies of reference service, and an experiment investigating
methods to increase the stock turnover of books in small rural public library
collections. All these projects were approved by the UIUC Graduate School of
Library and Information Science, the Library Research Center, and
participating parties, including the Illinois State Library and the Illinois
Library Association's children's services division. In addition, my own
research included conducting a statewide survey of use of volunteers in
Illinois public libraries and use of personnel records in the UIUC University
archives. I conducted all studies with prior approval.
- I was appointed to the University of Texas at Austin School of
Information (formerly, Graduate School of Library and Information Science) in
January 1987. During that time I developed and taught a graduate course in "Measurement and Evaluation of Library Services" and once taught
our required "Research in Library and Information Science" class.
We discussed research ethics within the course content. I have served as the
Chair of the School of Information's Research and Colloquia Committee and as
Chair of the Departmental Review Committee (DRC) since Fall 2001. As DRC
chair I am the signatory of Applications for the review of projects involving
human subjects to UT Austin's Institutional Review Board (IRB).
- I have reviewed these documents:
- University of Texas Policies and Procedures Manual
- NIH's Protection of Human Research Subjects
- NIH Bioethics Web site
I completed the Human Participants Protection Education For Research Teams
online course through NIH and received completion certificate for this
- My own research includes the development and management of oral history
programs and work with indigenous populations. I managed an oral history
program for the Texas Library Association and designed one for the
Association for Library Services to Children. I have used the guidelines for
oral history research developed by the national Oral History Association and
the documents for conducting research developed by the Alaska Native
Knowledge Network and the Hopi Cultural Center. I have given several
presentations at national conferences on intellectual and cultural property