Spectrum Initiative Longitudinal Study |
Researcher Profiles : Loriene Roy | |||||||||
![]() Loriene Roy Glendora Johnson-Cooper Loriene Roy Cynthia Tysick Daisy Waters |
Anishinabe CultureEncyclopedia of Multicultural America, In Galens, Judy, Anna Sheets, and Robyn V. Young, eds. "Ojibwa,". Gale, Detroit, MI, Gale, 1995,1016-1029. Encyclopedia of North American Indians, In Birchfield, D. L., ed . S.v."Michael Dorris" (vol. 4, 455); "Basil Johnston" (vol. 6, 752-753); "Nanabosho"(vol. 7, 937); "Ojibwe" (contributor, vol.7, 1003-1008); "Quillworking and Quillworkers" (vol 8, 1110-1113); and "Windigo" (vol. 10, 1397-1398), New York, Marshall Cavendish, 1997. The Louisiana Purchase: An Encyclopedia , In Rodriguez, Junius P., ed. S.v. "Black Hawk" (34-35); "Black Hawk War" (36-38); "Black Hills" (38-39);"Ojibwa" (260-261); "Potawatomi" (286);and "Sacajawea" (302-303). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio. 2002.
Diversity"Diversity in the Classroom: Incorporating Service-Learning Experiences in the Library and Information Science Curriculum." Journal of Library Administration 33 3/4 (2001) : 213-228. "The Minority Liaison Officer in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, The University of Texas at Austin."Texas Library Journal 71 (3)(Fall 1995): 136-138. Clara Chu, Clara Ann O'Neill, Carla Stoffle, and Elaine Yontz. "The Future for Latinos in Library Education: A Panel Presentation." In Castillo-Speed, Lillian, ed. The Power of Language/El Poder de la Palabra: Selected Papers from the Second National REFORMA Conference, Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 2001, 35-41.
Indigenous Information Services"A Conversation with Luci Tapahonso." The New Advocate 14 (2 (Spring 2001): 111-117 "Dream Catchers, Love Medicine, and Fancy Dancing: Selecting Native American Studies Material in the Humanities." The Acquisitions Librarian 17/18 (November 1997): 141-157. "Four Directions: An Indigenous Educational Model." Wicazo Sa Review 13 (2) (Fall 1998): 59-69. "From Tribal Records Repository to Corridor on Powwow Super Highway: Library Development for American Indians Since the Late 1960s." Svensk Biblioteksforskning (Swedish Library Research) 14 (3) (2002): 127-134. "If I Can Read, I Can Do Anything': A Culturally Responsive Reading Promotion Program." In The Barents Libraries Conference: Report From a Seminar at Ajtte, Swedish Mountain and Sami Museum, September 10-12 2001, Jokkmokk, Sweden: Ajtte, 2002, 57-65. "If I Can Read, I Can Do Anything,': Promoting Reading on the Rez." Texas Alcalde 89 (5) (May/June 2001): 16 "Indigenous Peoples and Library Services in the United States." In Szekely, Chris, ed. Issues and Initiatives in Indigenous Librarianship,Auckland, New Zealand, National Library of New Zealand, 1999, 36-48. "OKSALE: Building a Culturally Responsive Virtual Library of Education Resources for a Tribal College." Education Libraries 25 (2)(Winter 2002): 26-28. "Recovering Native Identity: Readers' Advisory Services for Non-Reservation Native Americans." Collection Building 12 (3/4) (Summer 1993): 73-77. "Retaining Cultural Identity in a Transformed Future: The American Indian Library Association Response to ALA Goal 2000." In Equal Voices,Many Choices: Ethnic Library Organizations Respond to ALA's Goal 2000, Chicago, American Library Association, 1997, 23-26. "The International Indigenous Librarians' Forum: A Professional Life-Affirming Event." World Libraries 10 (1/2) (Spring/Fall 2000): 19-30. "To Support and Model Native American Library Services." Texas Library Journal 76 (1) (Spring 2000): 32-35. Aimee Akerman. "Texas Students Build NWIC Virtual Library." Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education 13 (2) (Winter 2001): 42. Antony Cherian, Mark Christal, Marty Kreipe de Montano, and Paul Resta. "Virtual Museum Collaborations for Cultural Revitalization: The Four Directions Model." Museums and the Web 2001 Proceeding Seattle,WA, March 2001. [CD ROM} Laurence Patrick Goines. "Electronic Communication for and about Native Americans." FID News Bulletin 44 (11) (November 1994): 286-289. Mark Christal. "Digital Repatriation and the Development of a National Virtual Museum of the American Indian." In The Barents Libraries Conference: Report From a Seminar at Ajtte, Swedish Mountain and Sami Museum, September 10-12 2001, Jokkmokk, Sweden: Ajtte, 2002, 41-44. Mark Christal, Marty Kreipe de Montano, and Paul Resta. "Virtual Museums from Four Directions: An Emerging Model for School-Museum Collaboration." CSS Journal: Computers in the Social Studies 9(4) (October/December 2001) http://www.webcom.com/journal/ Mark Christal and Paul Resta. "Virtual Museum Projects in Native America." Peter Larsen. "Oksale: An Indigenous Approach to Creating a Virtual Library of Education Resources." D-Lib Magazine 8 (3), http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march02/roy/03roy.html , (March 2002).
Research Methodologies"Collection Evaluation as Research." Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 5 (3)(1992): 297-300. "Incorporating Oral History into the Curriculum." ERIC ED 399 957, 1994, [p.13]. "Planning an Oral History Project." Journal of Youth Services in Librarires 6 (4)(Summer 1993): 409-413. "The Oral History Project of TLA." Texas Library Journal 68 (2) Summer 1992: 59-62. "What is Qualitative Research?" Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 5 (1)(1991): 105-107. Don Drummond. "Jerre Hetherington and the Texas Library Association, Part II." Texas Library Journal 69 (2)(Summer 1993): 66-68. Don Drummond. " It Wasn't a Job. It Was a Way of Life,' Jerre Hetherington and the Texas Library Association." Texas Library Journal 9(1) (Spring 1993): 25-27.